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Çekirdek Materyali: Çelik Çekirdek Tipi: Hex Core Sarım Materyali: 85/15 Bronz Sarım Şekli: Round Wound Set Kalınlığı: 011-052 Ürün İçeriği: Takım Tel Çap Gerilim Kod Tel inc mm Ibs kg PL011 E 0.011 0.28 19.6 8.89 PL015 B 0.015 0.38 20.5 9.30 ZW024 G 0.024 0.61 30.0 13.61 ZW032 D 0.032 0.81 30.2 13.70 ZW042 A 0.042 1.07 29.1 13.20 ZW052 E 0.052 1.32 25.0 11.34 STRİNG SET FOR STEEL STRİNG GUİTAR
85/15 Great American Bronze acoustic guitar strings provide a bright tone with great sustain. Great American Bronze strings combine the brilliance of 80/20 Bronze with the lone last characteristics of Phosphor Bronze.
85/15 Bronze
Round wound
Light gauge
Well-balanced sound
Gauges: 011-015-w024-w032-w042-w052
One complete set of acoustic guitar strings
Light gauge (.011-.052)
Wound strings are round wound, made from 85/15 bronze. Unwound strings are plain steel
Strings packaged in Corrosion Intercept bags for guaranteed freshness
Made in USA by D'Addario, New York.